
93 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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It's strangely calm in an 'empty' kind of way. I can envision this being the background to a dark grey world, the trees and the grass slowly rotting away and the skies radiating hopelessness.
Love how the lead is structured, it stands out and it carries the whole track along with the atmosphere, great job on the track overall! :)

DESHIEL responds:

Thanks man ;)

Your review just warmed my hearth (and ego) :)

Everything sounds clean and clear, the volume for everything sounds spot-on and the vocals go really well with this track! 5/5

What's the name of the drum-kit you are using for this track? Just curious :3

Poniiboi responds:

PMD ya

Personally, I think it's a pretty nice track, definitely different from what one would usually hear.

I love the delay you used on the vocals! What plug-in did you make the delay with?
The drumkit you used (particulary the kick) sounded a little quiet when I played it through my headphones and my speakers, It might be just me but it did sound slightly too quiet :P
The bit at the end when it cuts into the guitar, I don't understand where that exactly came from and its into the song but regardless I like the tone and the realism of it.

Sorry, can't write anymore since I'm in a rush D:

TigerM responds:

Many thanks for the splendid review LichLordMusic. ^_^
Apologies for taking so long to respond

The whole of this remix of this song song was re-done
and created in "Ableton Live 8" which does indeed have
a very excellent "PingPong" delay which does catch the ear. =)

The full song essentially is a remix put together by
creating an original track ("TIGER M - Alien Child")
and removing one set of vocals and putting in the YFM
vocals in their place with added effects and music. =)

Glad You enjoyed the track!
Remain remarkable LichLordMusic ^_^

-WAM! DJ, TIGER M! ^_~*

It's a pretty sweet experimental/industrial style you have going here, very nice use and clarity of transition and background FX and the drums sound powerful without being overwhelming in the background.

4/5 Stars - 4/5 Score - 8/10 Rating :)

BowserThedestructive responds:

Thanks, I am tending to like that powerful but not overwhelming drum sound now hehe..it just fits so many things. And thanks to what I have learned over time I am able to do clarity I still am working on transitions though but this song is a step forward for the way I was able to swell into the main beat. Thanks for the feedback ^.^

This world needs more Djent! Awesome track!

Kadadj responds:

Thanks a lot man! Yeah, I just discovered it a few weeks ago, It's awesome!

I personally really like it, it's structured quite nicely and it's got some decent rifts in it. The mastering on this sounds pretty top notch aswell.

4.5/5 stars - 5/5 score - 1+ Facebook Like :)
Ignore the 0'bomber, he's been hitting everyone's tracks this evening.

Jimmypig responds:

Thank you man, 0'bomber are a part on NG we must all come to accept

Haha, it's pretty awesome stuff! It's nice an upbeat, got a good selection sounds and it's mastered nicely.

That rift from 1:28 to 1:45 is insane, you done a very good job on this overall :D

DJ-Babokon responds:


You have a nice beat going here, loving some of the FX you are using to warp parts of the track, it's a nice touch.

That pad or whatever sound that is which begins at the start and goes through the whole track does sound a little bit flat though. I would say remaster the channel that it is on or mix it in with something else to give it some extra... 'oompf'.

Will be lurking in the background for any more releases that you make :)

wulfsok responds:

I think the flatness you're referring to is the lack of a strong low throughout the track. Unfortunately I've reached the limits of my hardware =(. I appreciate the review, and may remaster the song in the future.

The warping you're hearing is a pitch modulation on the drum track. No FX whatsoever. =)

Have a good one dude!

(This account is inactive and here in an archived state)
I started out here on NG. Anything not specifically on Bandcamp is Unofficial. LD-W is my main NG account going forwards, go there for new content!

Age 30, Male


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